Am enjoying the journey!

This time around there are all sort of things I see, learn and notice from Outreachy To begin, The project is progressing and I have submitted some few patches under it😎. Till now the most difficult is not coding but understanding and knowing what I am required to do. It took me some good time to come up with a conclusion on what exactly I had to do. Also, I can say my PHP skills are greatly improving as I keep working. My first task was to put the MassMessage extension in a namespace MediaWiki\MassMessage. I bet you when I sat on my pc the day I started the task, I didn't know one bit what it means😂😂. I had all sort of ideas in my mind from the few research I made. I was so confused that I had to contact my mentors. Funny enough I really did not still have it clear but while doing, I had it clearer till the first patch I submitted. What actually are those things that shocked me in the journey? The speed at Which I learn. It is very high. I heard of a new program GCI...